2022 Full Season Points Points are accumulated at all AGA events. The competition runs November through TOC in October. Prizes will be awarded to the top point earners. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2022 POINTS WINNERS! Last Name First Name Points Vega Carlos 459.34...
We moved the event to avoid the incoming freeze and we are so glad we did! Sunny and not too bad given the temperatures. Congratulations to Michael Puglisi on his win! TournamentPhotos Last Name First Name Tournament Score Quota NET Puglisi Michael 18 12 6 Alcock Ed...
Great December afternoon on the golf course! Congrats to Ray Kostyal and Jerry Morrison who tied for 1st! Tie breaker will be conducted at their next joint event. TournamentPhotos Last Name First Name Tournament Score Quota NET Kostyal* Ray 29 28 1...
Hurricane Nicole couldn’t keep us from playing, though the Thursday practice round was a wash and some unfortunate players from the North weren’t able to make it down. Sunday showers cut the round short, but Atlanta still came out on top! Congrats AGA for...
Players brought their A-game to finish out the 2022 Season on the AGA TOUR!Congratulations to TJ Elgin and Eddie Fields for their wins! TournamentSide GamesPhotos TJ Elgin Eddie Fields, Ray Kostyal Last Name First Name Tournament Score NET Fields** Eddie...
Fall’s colors were out, the air was crisp, the course was in great shape,and it was one of the most beautiful days the AGA has had at Waterfall Club in October!Congratulations to Gil Campbell and Carlos Vega for their wins! TournamentSide GamesPhotos Rob...