Always a treat to golf at The Manor! Thanks to Joe Marino for being a great host and congrats to our winner, Mike Puglisi! ResultsPar 3 WinnersPictures Last Name First Name Points Quota NET Puglisi Michael 17 13 4 Burnette Patrick 33 32 1 Fields Eddie 29 30 -1...
Cooler weather and golf on a beautiful and scenic North Georgia course! Great day and big congrats to our winner, Thomas Schutt! ResultsPar 3 WinnersPictures Last Name First Name Tournament Score Quota NET Refling* Tyler 37 33 4 Schutt Thomas 32 30 2 Puglisi Michael...
Nice to get out early on this holiday weekend! Congrats to our winner, Rowdy Hope! ResultsPar 3 WinnersPictures Last Name First Name Points Quota Net Hope Rowdy 37 35 2 Kostyal Ray 28 29 -1 Sexton David 27 30 -3 George Carl 23 27 -4 Refling Tyler 28 32 -4...
A big thank you to our event sponsor, Ryan Floyd, for hosting us today! And congrats to him on taking the win! Results Last Name First Name Points Quota NET Floyd Ryan 29 25 4 Refling Tyler 32 29 3 Schretter Dane 22 24 -2 Kiedinger Tom 28 32 -4 Barron Chuck 15...
Overcast for much of the round with a nice breeze kept the hot July temps down for a great day of golf at Barnsley! Congrats to our winner, Rowdy Hope, in a three-way play-off with Eddie Fields and Thomas Schutt! ResultsPar 3 WinnersPictures Last Name First...
Couple of hot days! Congrats to our 2-day winner, Rowdy Hope! ResultsPar 3 WinnersPictures Mill -> Village Last Name First Name D1 Points Quota D1 NET D2 Points QUOTA D2 NET 2-Day TOTAL Hope Rowdy 36 34 2 35 34 1 3 Schutt Thomas 30 31 -1 31 28 3 2 Welsh Mike 21 24...