Great to be back out playing golf with the AGA on a sweet course in 2022! ResultsPictures Ed Alcock Last Name First Name GROSS POINTS QUOTA NET POINTS Alcock Ed 23 17 6 Brantley Grant 30 29 1 Brizendine Brad 11 25 1 Refling Tyler 31 31 0 Vega Carlos 17 20 -3...
It was cold. We all finished. That’s about all that can be said for this brave crew that took on Stonemont today. Congrats Mike on your win! ResultsPictures Last Name First Name POINTS Quota NET Puglisi Michael 15 13 2 Germano Charles 22 26 -4 Ellis Mark 9 15 -6...
It’s December in Atlanta with temperatures in the upper 60s! Great day for golf and great to be back out to Heritage! Thanks to all who came out to join us! ResultsPictures Scott Collins, Carlos Vega Last Name First Name Tournament Score Quota NET Vega Carlos 21...
TOUR Series Points Points are accumulated at all AGA events. The competition runs November through TOC in October. Prizes will be awarded to Top 4 point earners. Congratulations to our 2021 Season Points Winners! CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2021 POINTS WINNERS!...
What a treat to play in November in 70+ degrees with great fall colors. It was just a great day for golf and always a treat to play The Golf Club of Georgia! Thanks to all who came out to join us! ResultsPictures Last Name First Name Gross Quota NET Griffin...
The 2021 NTC was a little different without Boston, but they plan to be back in 2022! Friday was a washout, so it turned into a two-day individual and team event. Congrats AGA for bringing the trophy back to Atlanta! General InfoFlight AFlight BFlight C...